Board Application Process

New Board Member Application Process

At the October meeting, the Executive Board will decide if there is an opening office available for application for the following year. The Executive Board will take into consideration retiring or resigning Board members along with the Board’s needs for the coming year. The Vice President will advertise the opening immediately following the October meeting.  

  • A board application will be made available to interested Representative Council members who wish to apply to the ICCA Board. 
  • Prospective applicants must have served on the Rep Council for at least one year. 
  • The only offices new members can apply for are At-Large or District Representatives.
  • Applications are due prior to November 15. 
  • Applicants will have an interview, in person or via the phone, by a designated executive board member. 
  • Applicants only need to apply for the board one time.
  • The president will keep all prospective board applications on file. The president or Executive Board has a right to ask for a second interview if the Executive Board believes it should be reviewed because of time.  

The Executive Board will meet prior to the January board meeting to make recommendations of the best applicants should it be necessary to narrow the list of applicants for the board.  At the January Board meeting, the Board will consider applicants and decide by a majority vote which applicants to add to the slate of officers for the April Conference General Membership Meeting. After the board meeting, the Vice President will notify the applicant(s) of the results. 

Go to the Forms tab on the main page to find the Board Member Application Form.